Getting Results: 5 Essential Summer Tanning Tips for Men

Getting Results: 5 Essential Summer Tanning Tips for Men

23rd May 2024

As summer approaches, achieving that perfect tan is often on the agenda. For men who want to enhance their glow safely and effectively, here are essential summer tanning tips to help men get results.

Exfoliate Before Tanning

Exfoliating is the first step to a flawless tan. Removing dead skin cells ensures an even base for your tan, preventing patchiness and helping the color to last longer. Use a gentle scrub on your face and body a day before you plan to tan. Focus on areas that tend to be rougher, like the elbows and knees, to avoid darker spots. Regular exfoliation also keeps your skin smooth and ready for the next tanning session.

Use Sunscreen Diligently

While it might seem counterintuitive when you're trying to tan, wearing sunscreen is crucial. It protects your skin from harmful UV rays that can cause sunburn and long-term damage. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and reapply every two hours or immediately after swimming or sweating. This will help you achieve a gradual, healthier tan without risking your skin's health.

Opt for Gradual Tanning

For those new to tanning or with fair skin, gradual tanning is a safer approach. Instead of trying to get a deep tan quickly, slow and steady exposure will reduce the risk of burning and promote a more long-lasting tan. Spend short periods in the sun, increasing the duration gradually over several days. This method allows your skin to produce melanin consistently, developing a natural-looking tan over time.

Hydrate and Moisturize

Keeping your skin hydrated is key to a great tan. Drink plenty of water before and after tanning to keep your skin hydrated from the inside. After sun exposure, use a moisturizer that soothes and hydrates the skin. This not only helps to lock in your tan but also prevents peeling and flaking. Regular moisturization will keep your tan looking fresh and your skin feeling healthy.

Use Men’s Indoor Tanning Lotion

If natural sun tanning isn’t an option or if you prefer a more controlled environment, using men’s indoor tanning lotion can be effective. These lotions are designed to accelerate tanning. Look for a lotion that suits your skin type and desired shade. Using these can enhance melanin production, giving you a deeper tan without prolonged sun exposure.

Now that you know these essential summer tanning tips for men, you’re well on your way to achieving that perfect summer glow. Remember, whether you’re tanning outdoors or indoors, taking care of your skin is paramount. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a great tan while keeping your skin protected and healthy throughout the season.